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; il file puo' essere incluso solo all'interno di GLOBAL.INC
.EXIT           "ERROR: This file cannot be included."


CINIT           .EQU    $FF81           ; initialize screen editor 
IOINIT          .EQU    $FF84           ; (NO OP) initialize I/O devices
RAMTAS          .EQU    $FF87           ; initialize RAM
RESTOR          .EQU    $FF8A           ; (NO OP) restore default I/O vectors
VECTOR          .EQU    $FF8D           ; (NO OP) read/set I/O vector table
SETMSG          .EQU    $FF90           ; set Kernal message control flag
SECOND          .EQU    $FF93           ; (NO OP) send secondary address after LISTEN
TKSA            .EQU    $FF96           ; (NO OP) send secondary address after TALK
MEMTOP          .EQU    $FF99           ; read/set top of memory pointer
MEMBOT          .EQU    $FF9C           ; read/set bottom of memory pointer
SCNKEY          .EQU    $FF9F           ; scan the keyboard
SETTMO          .EQU    $FFA2           ; (NO OP) set time-out flag for serial bus
ACPTR           .EQU    $FFA5           ; input byte from serial bus
CIOUT           .EQU    $FFA8           ; output byte to serial bus
UNTLK           .EQU    $FFAB           ; (NO OP) 'un-talk' command to serial bus
UNLSN           .EQU    $FFAE           ; (NO OP) 'un-listen' command to serial bus
LISTEN          .EQU    $FFB1           ; (NO OP) 'listen' command to serial bus
TALK            .EQU    $FFB4           ; (NO OP) 'talk' command to serial bus
READST          .EQU    $FFB7           ; read I/O status word
SETLFS          .EQU    $FFBA           ; set logical file parameters
SETNAM          .EQU    $FFBD           ; set filename parameters
FOPEN           .EQU    $FFC0           ; open a logical file
FCLOSE          .EQU    $FFC3           ; close a logical file
FSETIN          .EQU    $FFC6           ; set file for input
FSETOUT         .EQU    $FFC9           ; set file for output
FCLRCH          .EQU    $FFCC           ; restore default devices
FCHRIN          .EQU    $FFCF           ; input a character
FCHROUT         .EQU    $FFD2           ; output a character
FLOAD           .EQU    $FFD5           ; load file from device
FSAVE           .EQU    $FFD8           ; save file to device
SETTIM          .EQU    $FFDB           ; set software clock
RDTIM           .EQU    $FFDE           ; fet software clock
CHKSTOP         .EQU    $FFE1           ; check CTRL BREAK key
FGETIN          .EQU    $FFE4           ; get a character
FCLALL          .EQU    $FFE7           ; brute close all files
UDTIM           .EQU    $FFEA           ; (NO OP) update the software clock
SCRORG          .EQU    $FFED           ; get screen organitation
SCRPLOT         .EQU    $FFF0           ; get/set current cursor position
GETIOBASE       .EQU    $FFF3           ; get base address of I/O devices

;; non standard
IKEYBUF         .EQU    $FFF6           ; insert codes into keyboard buffer
GOMON           .EQU    $FFF9