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;; cbm emulation
;;CBMP0 .EQU $7F00
; sezione COMMON -- questo permette di includere il file in piu' file
DPCBM: .SECTION page0, ref_only, common
.ABSOLUTE ;; inizia sempre da $00
.ORG 0x00
;;MAXLF .EQU $10 ; max. logical files
MAXLF .EQU 11 ; max. logical files
MAXVIEC .EQU 8 ; max. virtual iec device #
.DS 16
subflg .DB ; ($10)
.DB ; ($11)
.DB ; ($12)
.DB ; ($13)
lineno .DW ; ($14-$15) line number used by editor
tmppt .DB ; ($16)
tcnt .DB ; ($17) temp. counter/index
.DW ; ($18-$19)
.DW ; ($1A-$1B)
.DW ; ($1C-$1D)
.DW ; ($1E-$1F)
.DB ; ($20)
; basic/p-code virtual machine work area
.DW ; ($21-$22)
.DW ; ($23-$24)
.DW ; ($25-$26)
.DW ; ($27-$28)
.DW ; ($29-$2A)
.DW ; ($2B-$2C)
.DW ; ($2D-$2E)
arytab .DW ; ($2F-$30)
strend .DW ; ($31-$32)
freetop .DW ; ($33-$34)
freespc .DW ; ($35-$36)
memsiz .DW ; ($37-$38)
curline .DW ; ($39-$3A) current line number in execution
oldline .DW ; ($3B-$3C) previous line number in execution
oldtxt .DW ; ($3D-$3E) saved pointer to text in basic execution
datlin .DW ; ($3F-$40)
datptr .DW ; ($41-$42)
inpptr .DW ; ($43-$44)
varnam .DW ; ($45-$46)
varpnt .DW ; ($47-$48)
forpnt .DW ; ($49-$4A) basic
opptr .DW ; ($4B-$4C) basic
opmask .DB ; ($4D)
defpnt .DW ; ($4E-$4F)
dscpnt .DW ; ($50-$51)
dsclen .DB ; ($52)
prompt .DB ; ($53) prompt flag/CMD channel - editor/basic ($13)
; equates for p-code virtual machine
prtrap .EQU oldline ; ($3B) p-code trap errors flag
pcstack .EQU oldline+1 ; ($3C-$3D) p-code save stack
prterr .EQU oldtxt+1 ; ($3E) p-code run time error number
psrline .EQU datlin ; ($3F-$40) pascal source line number
prseed .EQU datptr ; ($41-$42) p-code random generator
pbrkcnt .EQU inpptr ; ($43) p-code counter for break check
tmpy .EQU inpptr+1 ; ($44) p-code temp. for save Y
inqidx .EQU varnam ; ($45) p-code index to input buffer
inqcnt .EQU varnam+1 ; ($46) p-code input buffer counter
tmpv1 .EQU varpnt ; ($47) p-code temp.
tmpv2 .EQU varpnt+1 ; ($48) p-code temp.
tmpa .EQU forpnt ; ($49) p-code temp. save A
tmpwa .EQU forpnt+1 ; ($4A) p-code tmp. save byte to write
tmpx .EQU opptr ; ($4B) p-code tmp. save X when print
pcterr .EQU opptr+1 ; ($4C) p-code compiler error flag
tmpdsk .EQU opmask ; ($4D) p-code default temp. disk unit
defprn .EQU defpnt ; ($4E) p-code default printer #device
pcdbg .EQU defpnt+1 ; ($4F) p-code debug run after error
pcptr .EQU dscpnt ; ($50-$51) pointer to p-code (debug)
autolf .EQU dsclen ; ($52) p-code auto line feed flag
tmpwrk .DS 4 ; ($54-$57) temp. area editor/virtual iec
tmpb0 .DB ; ($58)
argbits .DB ; ($59) FAC #1 guard bits
tmpb2 .DB ; ($5A) tmp. byte - used by fpu
txtlen .DB ; ($5B) tmp. word length of text to insert in buffer
tmpb1 .DB ; ($5C) tmp. byte used by editor and float point unit
tmpval .DW ; ($5D-$5E) temp. word used by editor/fpu
tlnptr .DW ; ($5F-$60) temp. line text pointer used by editor/fpu
facexp .DB ; ($61) FAC #1 exponent
facm .DS 4 ; ($62-$65) FAC #1 mantissa
facsgn .DB ; ($66) FAC #1 sign
sercnt .DB ; ($67) FAC #1 series evaluation
facov .DB ; ($68) FAC #1 overflow
argexp .DB ; ($69) FAC #2 exponent
argm .DS 4 ; ($6A-$6D) FAC #2 mantissa
argsgn .DB ; ($6E) FAC #2 sign
arisgn .DB ; ($6F) FAC #1 & #2 sign comparison
facbits .DB ; ($70) FAC #1 guard bits
fbufpt .DW ; ($71-$72) FAC series evaluation pointer
fbufpt2 .DB ; ($73) FAC series evaluation bank (progr. bank)
; tmp. variables (equates) used by float point unit
factmp .EQU tmpwrk ; ($54-$57) used by fpu mult/div
cprmsk .EQU tmpb2 ; ($5A) used by trigs. funcs.
faclsb .EQU txtlen ; ($5B) used by float point unit
dccnt .EQU tmpval ; ($5D) digit count after decimal dot
expval .EQU tmpval+1 ; ($5E) exponent value when convert
dotfg .EQU tlnptr ; ($5F) flag decimal dot when convert
expsgn .EQU tlnptr+1 ; ($60) flag exponent sign when conver
sgnfg .EQU sercnt ; ($67) flag: minus sign when convert
decidx .EQU fbufpt ; ($71) string index when convert
s2fer .EQU fbufpt+1 ; ($72) string to float flag error
decidx2 .EQU fbufpt+2 ; ($73) used when convert float to str
s2fstk .DW ; ($74-$75) save stack when string to float conversion
longp LP ; ($76-$77-$78) temp. long pointer
s2fptr .DB ; ($79) flag trap overflow err. string to float conv.
txtp .DW ; ($7A-$7B) current pointer to text
pcdsk .DB ; ($7C) flag for pascal compiler
; <7> : compile in memory
iecrp LP ; ($7D) iec: pointer to read buffer for include file
iecalt .DB ; ($80) iec: flag read from include file
iectp LP ; ($81) iec: pointer to read main text buffer
iecndx .DB ; ($84) iec: index main text buffer
ieceof .DB ; ($85) iec: end of file flag main text buffer
iecwp LP ; ($86) iec: pointer to write buffer
iecfg .DB ; ($89) iec: flag main text buffer
iecndx2 .DW ; ($8A) iec: index buffer include file
iecbuf .DB ; ($8C) iec: byte buffer
svbnk .DB ; ($8D) save vbnk when run pascal compiler
ieceof2 .DB ; ($8E) iec: flag eof include file
vxflag .DB ; ($8F) flag valid text in x-bank
kstat .DB ; ($90) CBM emulated IEC status
errno .DB ; ($91) saved error number
keyfg .DB ; ($92) keyboard flag: KbdFlag
keyctl .DB ; ($93) flag control key from get key
keysh .DB ; ($94) flag keyboard: KbdShift
keytg .DB ; ($95) flag keyboard: KbdToggle
basic .DB ; ($96) flag current 'basic' mode
; <7>: flag basic mode
; <6>: flag pascal compiler running
runf .DB ; ($97) flag current run mode
ldtnd .DB ; ($98) number of open files
dfltn .DB ; ($99) default input device
dflto .DB ; ($9A) default output device
skpbk .DB ; ($9B) skip blank flag
w2sf .DB ; ($9C) integer to string flag conversion
msgflg .DB ; ($9D) flag message
autof .DB ; ($9E) flag auto-increment line numbering
wauto .DW ; ($9F-$A0) auto-increment for line numbering
tbnk .DB ; ($A1) bank that hold basic/pascal text
vbnk .DB ; ($A2) bank that hold basic var/pascal pcode-stack
cbnk .DB ; ($A3) compiler bank/temp. bank for exchange
jbnk .DB ; ($A4) bank for obj, when compiling (3 bank max.)
xbnk .DB ; ($A5) exchange bank for text buffer
dbnk .DB ; ($A6) bank for ram disk (jbnk + 3)
botmem .DW ; ($A7-$A8) start of memory on the text bank
topmem .DW ; ($A9-$AA) top of memory on the text bank
txtbeg .DW ; ($AB-$AC) begin of text buffer
txtend .DW ; ($AD-$AE) end of text buffer + 1
txttop .DW ; ($AF-$B0) top of memory + 1 reserved to text buffer
varbeg .DW ; ($B1-$B2) start of basic var/pcode
vartop .DW ; ($B3-$B4) top of basic var/pcode + 1
xtop .DW ; ($B5-$B6) top of text + 1 in x-bank
fnlen .DB ; ($B7) length of current filename
lacur .DB ; ($B8) current logical file number
sacur .DB ; ($B9) current secondary address
facur .DB ; ($BA) current device number
fnadr .DW ; ($BB-$BC) pointer to current filename
fnadr2 .DB ; ($BD) - bank that hold file name
objdsk .DB ; ($BE) compiler: option '1' specified
truedsk .DB ; ($BF) true disk for load pascal soource file
curstk .DW ; ($C0-$C1) current stack when in edit mode
pcodef .DB ; ($C2) flag p-code present for execution
latb .DS MAXLF ; logical files table
fatb .DS MAXLF ; devices numbers table
satb .DS MAXLF ; secondary addresses table
cmdlin .DW ; command line ptr for pscal program
fpcflag .DB ; fpc flags (new style)
; <7>: new style compiler
; <6>: no save exec. file
; <5>: save obj. file
; basic work area starting at $FF00 of bank that hold text buffer
CBMHIM: .SECTION ref_only, common
.ORG $FF00
; .ORG 0
TBUFMAX .EQU $A2 ; size of input buffer
VALIDSGN .EQU $AA55 ; valid signature
cbmwork .DS 4 ; first 4 bytes free for insert text line
TXTBUF .DS TBUFMAX ; input buffer for text insertion
NUMSTR .DS 32 ; room for numeric string
TMPPTR .DW ; temp. pointer
GFNAME .DS 32 ; global file name
.DS 8
;;.ORG $FFF8
TXTEND2 .DW ; saved text end + 1
TXTVSGN .DW ; valid text buffer signature
XTOP2 .DW ; saved text end + 1 in exchange bank
XBVSGN .DW ; valid x-bank buffer signature
cbmwork .EQU $FF00 ; first 4 bytes free for insert text line
TXTBUF .EQU $FF04 ; input buffer for text insertion
NUMSTR .EQU $FFA6 ; room for numeric string
TMPPTR .EQU $FFC6 ; temp. pointer
TXTEND2 .EQU $FFF8 ; saved text end + 1
TXTVSGN .EQU $FFFA ; valid text buffer signature
XTOP2 .EQU $FFFC ; saved text end + 1 in exchange bank
XBVSGN .EQU $FFFE ; valid x-bank buffer signature
; basic/pascal work area starting at $FF00 of bank that hold variables/p-code
CBMHIV: .SECTION common, ref_only
.ORG $FF00
; .ORG 0
QINSIZ .EQU $5A ; input buffer max. 90 chars.
NUMSIZ .EQU $20 ; size of numeric buffer for conversion
MAX2LF .EQU ((MAXLF + 1) * 2) ; size of p-code logical files table
MAXFNLEN .EQU 19 ; max. length of file name '@x:yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy'
MFNAME .DS 16 ; file name buffer
MTMPNAM .DS 15 ; tmp. file name
MPOW10 .DS 10 ; power of 10 table
MSTDF0 .DS 4 ; descriptor for file #0 (consolle)
MSTDF1 .DS 4 ; descriptor for file #1 (disk command chann.)
MSTDF2 .DS 4 ; descriptor for file #2 (used by compiler)
MMSET .DS 16 ; set variables
MFILET .DS MAX2LF ; table of logical files: #0 consolle, #1 disk
FAC1TMP .DS 5 ; these 3 used by float routines
FAC4TMP .DS 5 ; free to use
MTPTR .DW ; used by new/dispose
MFNAME .EQU $FF7F ; file name buffer
MTMPNAM .EQU $FF8F ; tmp. file name
MPOW10 .EQU $FF9E ; power of 10 table
MSTDF0 .EQU $FFB4 ; descriptor for file #0 (consolle)
MSTDF1 .EQU $FFB8 ; descriptor for file #1 (disk command chann.)
MSTDF2 .EQU $FFBC ; descriptor for file #2 (used by compiler)
MMSET .EQU $FFC0 ; set variables
MFILET .EQU $FFD0 ; table of logical files: #0 consolle, #1 disk
FAC1TMP .EQU $FFE8 ; these 3 used by float routines
FAC4TMP .EQU $FFF7 ; free to use
MTPTR .EQU $FFFC ; used by new/dispose
; temp. file names in x-bank