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;; cbm-fs
mxfils .EQU 5 ; max # filenames in cmd string
cmdlen .EQU 96 ; length of command buffer (+ terminator #0)
fntlen .EQU 97 ; length of canonical file name table
nbsiz .EQU 27 ; nambuf text size
dirlen .EQU 24 ; directory length used
maxfd .EQU 8 ; max # file descriptors
intfd .EQU maxfd+2 ; internal # file descriptors
mxchnls .EQU 15 ; max # data channels
irdfd .EQU maxfd ; internal fd for read file
iwrfd .EQU maxfd+1 ; internal fd for write file
bindx .EQU 16 ; bam offset index
bamsiz .EQU 6 ; # bytes/track in bam
numsec .EQU 40 ; number of logical sectors (blocks)
phisec .EQU 10 ; number of phisycal sectors / track
dirtrk .EQU 40 ; system logical track
dirst .EQU 3 ; starting directory sector
maxtrk .EQU 81 ; max. logical track + 1
startrk .EQU 1 ; logical starting track
; max. available blocks's #
maxblks .EQU (numsec*(maxtrk-1)-numsec)
dskvern .EQU $44 ; disk version number
dosvern .EQU $33 ; dos version number
subvern .EQU $8D ; disk sub-version number header ofs. 29 & 30
iobyte .EQU $C0 ; default bam i/o byte
MAXDOSDRV .EQU 4 ; dos drives are 0..3
;deltyp .EQU 0 ; deleted type
seqtyp .EQU 1 ; sequential type
prgtyp .EQU 2 ; program type
usrtyp .EQU 3 ; user type
reltyp .EQU 4 ; relative type
partyp .EQU 5 ; partition type
exetyp .EQU 6 ; new executable type
typmsk .EQU 7 ; mask for type bits
; internal use: open function's
rdmode .EQU 0 ; open read mode
wtmode .EQU 1 ; open write mode
apmode .EQU 2 ; open append mode
mdmode .EQU 3 ; open modify mode
lddir .EQU 3 ; load directory
seqdir .EQU 4 ; open dir as seq. file
damode .EQU 5 ; open direct access type
; error codes
rdtrk .EQU 20 ; track read error
badfmt .EQU 21 ; bad disk format (or unformatted disk)
wrtrk .EQU 22 ; track write error
rdsec .EQU 24 ; read error
wrsec .EQU 25 ; write error
wpon .EQU 26 ; write protect on
badid .EQU 29 ; disk id mismatch
badsyn .EQU 30 ; general syntax
badcmd .EQU 31 ; invalid command
longln .EQU 32 ; long line
badfn .EQU 33 ; invalid filname
nofile .EQU 34 ; no file given
baddrv .EQU 35 ; illegal drive number
badchn .EQU 36 ; illegal channel number
nullln .EQU 37 ; empty command string
notsam .EQU 39 ; cannot rename across drives
flock .EQU 40 ; locked file
fsplt .EQU 41 ; write file not closed
bnotm .EQU 42 ; unmatch blocks count
invlnk .EQU 43 ; invalid file link
badlst .EQU 44 ; wrong index in last block
filopn .EQU 60 ; file open
filnop .EQU 61 ; file not open
flntfd .EQU 62 ; file not found
flexst .EQU 63 ; file exists
mistyp .EQU 64 ; file type mismatch
badts .EQU 66 ; illegal track or sector
systs .EQU 67 ; illegal system t or s
wrfil .EQU 68 ; write only file
rdfil .EQU 69 ; read only file
nochnl .EQU 70 ; no channel available
direrr .EQU 71 ; directory error
dskful .EQU 72 ; disk full
cbmv2 .EQU 73 ; cbm emulator version
nodriv .EQU 74 ; drive not ready
opnchn .EQU 75 ; channel is open
nolinx .EQU 76 ; no logical index available
fmter .EQU 77 ; format error
ibmfmt .EQU 78 ; ibm-formatted disk
syterr .EQU 79 ; system track read error
dirlnk .EQU 80 ; corrupted directory link
bamcnt .EQU 81 ; corrupted bam
badcat .EQU 82 ; recursive concat
badtlk .EQU 83 ; invalid talk command
badlsn .EQU 84 ; invalid listen command
; sezione COMMON -- questo permette di includere il file in piu' file
DPCBMFS: .SECTION page0, ref_only, common
.ABSOLUTE ;; inizia sempre da $00
.ORG 0x00
zpstart .EQU $
delsec .DS 2 ; sector of 1st avail entry
delind .DS 2 ; index of 1st avail entry
dirsec .DS 2 ; directory sector of last not empty entry
index .DS 2 ; index of last not empty entry
track .DB ; current track
sector .DB ; current sector
dirp LP ; long pointer to directory entry
nxtsec .DB ; next sector in dir link
type .DB ; active file type
mode .DB ; active file mode
typflg .DB ; match by type flag
patflg .DB ; pattern presence flag
f1cnt .DB ; file stream 1 count
f2cnt .DB ; file stream total count
f1ptr .DB ; file stream 1 pointer
f2ptr .DB ; file stream 2 pointer
entfnd .DB ; dir-entry found flag ($FF = not found)
found .DB ; flag found in file stream
tgflg .DB ; drive toggle flag
; <7>: search both drives
; <6>: drvnum was toggled
drvnum .DB ; current drive
filtbl .DS mxfils ; filename pointer
tmpxxx .DB ; extra byte for filtbl/tmp byte
filtrk .DS mxfils ; 1st link/track
filsec .DS mxfils ; /sector
entsec .DS mxfils ; sector of directory entry
entind .DS mxfils ; index of directory entry
fildrv .DS mxfils ; default flag, drive #
pattyp .DS mxfils ; pattern,replace,closed-flags,type
dpsave .EQU $ - zpstart
tlp LP ; tmp long pointer
cmdsiz .DB ; cmd string size
char .DB ; tmp store char
image .DB ; file stream image
qfmt .EQU cmdsiz ; quick format flag
idch1 .EQU char ; ID format char 1
idch2 .EQU image ; ID format char 2
opntm .EQU char ; <7>: open type in parameter
; <6>: open mode in parameter
; virtual iec -----------------------------------------
sa .DB ; persistent second addr. virtual iec
viecbuf .DB ; virtual iec buffered data
viecsiz .DW
viecndx .DW
vieclp LP
viecfg .DB ; virtual iec flag
; <7>: active talk/listen
; <6>: talk (listen if 0)
vcmdix .DB ; index to command string
vbufnum .DB ; viec buffer #
vcmdsiz .DB ; size of virtuasl iec buffer (channel 15)
veof .DB ; eof flag
chnl .DB ; channel param
cmdnum .DB ; command #
bchn .DB ; block-op channel
subcmd .DB ; blk subcommand # or open type cmd
lsterr .DB ; last error
lindx .DB ; logical index (internal file descriptor)
linuse .DB ; lindx use flags (1=free, 0=busy)
lintab .DS mxchnls ; lindx table ($FF = free)
; <7>: write type fd
; <6>: direct access type fd
; <5>: directory load type fd
; <3>: drive
; <2:0> = logical index
drvfg .DS 2 ; drive flag
; <7>: cbm formatted disk
; <6>: valid format in bit 1,0
; <5>: flag verify in bam iobyte
; <4>: flag write protect on
; <3>: flag new version
; <1:0> 00 DD ibm format
; 01 DD cbm format
; 10 HD ibm format
; 11 HD cbm format (not used)
ndbf .DW ; # of disk blocks free drive 0
.DW ; # of disk blocks free drive 1
sysbuf .DS 2 ; DMA buffer # of system track cache
trkbuf .DS 2 ; DMA buffer # of data track cache
wrtbuf .DS 2 ; DMA buffer # of write buffer cache
dirofs .DS 2 ; directory cache buffer high pointer (dma)
dirbnk .DS 2 ; directory cache buffer bank (dma)
trkofs .DS 2 ; track cache buffer high pointer (dma)
trkbnk .DS 2 ; track cache buffer bank (dma)
wrtofs .DS 2 ; write cache pointer
wrtbnk .DS 2
tcache .DS 2 ; current track in cache (0 invalidate cache)
wcache .DS 2 ; current track in write cache (0 inv. cache)
wbam .DS 2 ; dirty bam flag
bsize .DW ; size of buffer while read/write op
btrf .DW ; count of transf. bytes
ntot .EQU bsize ; free block's counter while check file system
bcnt .EQU btrf ; block's count while chech file system
bufp LP ; long pointer to read data buffer (cache)
bmpnt LP ; bam long pointer
wbuf LP ; long pointer to write data buffer
tmp0 .DB ; temp. byte
wtmp .DW ; tmp word
fdst .DS maxfd ; fd status
; <7>: ready
; <6>: eof flag
; <0>: drive
dsec .DS maxfd ; sector of dir entry
dind .DS maxfd ; index of dir entry
ftrk .DS maxfd ; current file track (hi dir ptr for dir list)
fsec .DS maxfd ; current file sector (rdlst for dir list)
fdptr .DS maxfd ; file buffer pointer
fdblk .DS maxfd ; current file block # count
.DS maxfd ; dir. ptr for dir list
fdlst .DS maxfd ; local buffer last byte ptr
fdix .DS maxfd ; local buffer pointer
wrop .DB ; flag write-op
data .DB ; buffered byte
rddrv .DB ; drive # to read (buffered operation)
rdidx .DB ; pointer to read buffer (buffered operation)
rdlst .DB ; pointer to last byte (buffered operation)
rdeof .DB ; eof condition (buffered operation)
wrdrv .DB ; drive # to write (buffered operation)
wridx .DB ; pointer to write buffer (buffered operation)
wsec .DB ; last dirty sector in write cache
wfirst .DB ; first dirty sector in write cache
wcnt .DW ; block's # of write file (buffered operation)
pdrv .DB ; used by disk access routines: drive #
pside .DB ; side #
psec .DB ; start sector #
pcnt .DB ; sector(s) count #
pbuf .DB ; dma buffer #
dblfd .DB ; double index lindx
trap .DB ; flag error trap
cmdtrap .DB ; no error if command string is empty
; CBM FS work area
CBMFSW: .SECTION common, ref_only
cmdbuf .DS cmdlen ; command buffer
.DB ; for terminator '0'
fntab .DS fntlen ; room for one dos filename (80) + one cbm...
; filename (17) or for 5 cbm file names (85)
nambuf .DS nbsiz ; directory buffer
nambuf2 .DS 19 ; buffer for store quoted file name
dskser .LWORD ; serial in new version
tos .DW ; saved stack pointer
etrk .DB ; save track & sector for fmterr function
esec .DB
dskid1 .DS 2 ; disk id 1
dskid2 .DS 2 ; disk id 2
CBMVIEC: .SECTION common, ref_only
vixtab .DS 16
vsiztab .DS 16
vftab .DS 16
vopnsa .DB ; SA for open command
vieccmd .DS cmdlen