I/O Details (either 65C816/65C02)

VIA 0 R65C22 (U11 in mainboard) - IRQ line 2 65C815 map $00FD00-$00FD0F
65C02 map $FE00-$FE0F
PA0 OUT Artificial address line DMA16 when DMA is active DMA can address only 64Kb. During DMA cycles this line select the low/high 64Kb of 128Kb buffer
PA1 OUT A low level enable the DMA After programming DMA, a "0" in this line enable the DMA. CPU cannot access buffer RAM and DMA&FDC registers.
PA2 OUT A low level (pulse) reset DMA If DMA chip is frozen, this line can reset it (hardware reset)
PA3 OUT A low level (pulse) reset FDC If FDC chip is frozen, this line can reset it (hardware reset)
PA4 OUT A low level (pulse) terminate DMA This line cause a software "Terminal Count" in DMA
PA5 OUT A low level (pulse) set a flip-flop (U16A/B) This flip-flop can be used to distinguish a hard reset from a soft reset
PA6 OUT A high level enable RS485 resistive termination This line enable the 120ohm termination in RS485-line (serial board)
PA7 OUT A low level reset the machine This line cause a hardware reset of the machine
PB0 OUT A low level enable a wait state in the DMA chip With PHI2 = 4MHz the DMA work fine without wait states
PB1 OUT A low level enable a wait state in the FDC chip With PHI2 = 4MHz the FDC work fine without wait states
PB2 OUT A low level enable a wait state in the ACIA chip With PHI2 = 4MHz is mandatory to insert a wait state for ACIA access
PB3 OUT A low level enable a wait state in the ATA0 port With PHI2 = 4MHz the ATA work fine without wait states
PB4 OUT A low level enable a wait state in the ATA1 port With PHI2 = 4MHz the ATA work fine without wait states
PB5 OUT A low level enable a wait state in the VDC chip With PHI2 = 4MHz the VDC work fine without wait states
PB6 IN Square wawe at 1KHz This can be used as "clock" for Timer 2 (long time timeout)
PB7 OUT A low level enable a wait state in the CTC chip With PHI2 = 4MHz the CTC work fine without wait states
CA1 IN Negative edge Can signal a timeout in channel 2 of CTC
CA2 IN Negative edge This pin is driven by keyboard controller (INT line)
CB1 IN Positive edge INT generated by FDC chip (no ISR need)
CB2 IN Negative edge Can signal a timeout in channel 1 of CTC
TIMER 1 Used for periodic IRQ Periodic interrupt every 20ms
TIMER 2 Used for timeout Timer 2 one-shot on PHI2 or 1KHz signal for long timeout (until 65 sec)

VIA 1 R65C22 (U12 in mainboard) - NMI line 65C815 map $00FD10-$00FD1F
65C02 map $FE10-$FE1F
PA0 OUT A low level enable the VDC This line enable the RGB output from the VDC
PA1 OUT Select VDC dot clock Low = 16MHz, High = 20Mhz
PA2 OUT Select HSync polarity from VDC  
PA3 OUT Select VSync polarity from VDC  
PA4 OUT A low level (pulse) reset the keyboard This line cause a hardware rest of the keyboard
PA5 OUT Select polarity of ACIA line /CTS1 See serial board
PA6 OUT Select polarity of ACIA line /CTS2 See serial board
PA7 OUT A low level select RS485 See serial board. A low level switch channel 2 ACIA to RS485 interface
PB0 OUT Select write cycle for register file If low the write in 74LS670 is qualified with PHI0, else with PHI2
PB1 OUT Select DMA clock If low DMA clock = 4MHz, else DMA clock = 5MHz
PB2 OUT Select /CS or CS in VDC If low access to VDC is made by /CS, otherwise by CS
PB3 OUT Select write cycle for VDC If low the write in VDC is qualified with PHI0, otherwise with PHI2
PB4 IN Negative pulse from ON/OFF push-button Power supply control
PB5 OUT Select write cycle for memory If low the write in memory is qualified with PHI0, otherwise with PHI2
PB6 IN Square wawe at 1KHz This can be used as "clock" for Timer 2 (long time timeout)
PB7 OUT Square wawe at 1KHz  
CA1 IN Positive edge This line is driven by INT line of ATA 0
CA2 IN Negative edge This pin is driven by keyboard controller (NMI line)
CB1 IN Positive edge This line is driven by INT line of ATA 1
CB2 IN Negative edge This line is driven by the ON/OFF push-button. Can be used to swith-off computer by software
TIMER 1 Square wawe 1KHz on PB7  
TIMER 2 Used for timeout Timer 2 one-shot on PHI2 or 1KHz signal for long timeout (until 65 sec)

PIA 0 W65C21 (U13 in mainboard) 65C815 map $00FD28-$00FD2B
65C02 map $FE28-$FE2B
PA0-PA7 OUT These lines form address lines MA13-MA20 for RAM-Disk access.
PB0-PB3 OUT These lines form address lines SA13-SA16 for access the 128Kb buffer used by DMA (only with 65C02 CPU)